On December 9, 2017 in the presence of over 3,000 guests, diplomats, tourism and culture experts, the official ceremony for the new GLOBAL AMBASSADOR FOR TOURISM AND SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT GOALS  has taken place.

On the rostrum were in attendance personalities like: Prime Minister of Government of Cambodia H.E. Academician Hun Sen, President of European Council on Tourism and Trade Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, Prime Minister Mark Doda, over 300 diplomats and world leaders etc.


The world has a new world leader in development through tourism: Cambodia`s Prime Minister HUN SEN:  Global Ambassador for World Tourism and Sustainable Development Goals.


Speech on the occasion of Samdech Techo’s Appointment as “Global Goodwill Ambassador for World Tourism and Sustainable Development Goals 2030” and the Designation of “Phnom Penh: The World Capital of Tourism and Culture

–     Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, President of European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT)

–    Excellencies, Ladies, Gentlemen!

Today, I am delighted to participate in the ceremony to celebrate the awarding of the status “Phnom Penh: The World Capital of Tourism and Culture” to Phnom Penh capital along with my appointment as “Global Goodwill Ambassador for Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals 2030.”


Taking this opportunity, I would like to express my gratitude and appreciation to the European Council on Tourism and Trade for supporting Cambodia and electing Cambodia as “World Best Tourist Destination” in 2016. Today, Cambodia is honored again on the occasion Phnom Penh is awarded “World Capital of Tourism and Culture” and my appointment “the Global Ambassador for Tourism and the Sustainable Development Goals 2030.”



At the same time, I wish to express my gratitude and appreciation to Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, President of the European Council on Tourism and Trade and his colleagues for the decision to award this meaningful status to Phnom Penh capital that help promote further tourism and tourism development in Cambodia.

Thunderous applause for the new GLOBAL AMBASSADOR: Prime Minister of Cambodia H.E. Academician HUN SEN



In addition, I also appreciate great cooperation between Ministry of Tourism, Ministry of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, and the European Council on Tourism and Trade for organizing this event.

I also wish to express my appreciation to the Ministry of Tourism for the effort to promote tourism development to date with the great sense of responsibility in accordance with strategic direction of the Royal Government while Cambodia has been enjoying complete peace, stability, security, and progress in all sectors.


–    Excellencies, Ladies, Gentlemen!


Cambodia is very fortunate that our ancestors left us the temple of Angkor which has become the world heritage of humanity and the wonder of the world, the temple of Preah Vihear and the temple of Sambor Prei Kuk  which have outstanding universal value, and thousands of other temples across the country and vast natural resources such as beaches, river, waterfall, beaches that haven been the status as the world most beautiful beaches, Mekong’s freshwater dolphins, ecotourism in the northeastern and southwestern Cambodia, Tonle Sap Lake, traditions and customs and natural friendliness of the people.

Those factors help Cambodia live up to its international recognition as “Kingdom of Wonder.

In this sense, Cambodia has identified “Culture and Nature” as the values of its tourism which is now a major tourist destination in Asia and Southeast Asia, a region characterized by high tourism growth.

Peace factor is imperative along with our effort to implement our strategic plans and policies. In this sense, I wish to give three recommendations on the sustainable development of tourism sector as follows:

First, security is the key determinant of the growth in all sectors. In fact, the awarding of above status to Cambodia takes place after dark period of chronic war, genocide and divide caused by foreign interference, especially the cold war ideology. Sacrifice, loss of life and property, hardship, tragedy beyond description Cambodia must face with so many years in order to achieve peace, national unification and harmony nowadays. Today, in spite of complete peace and national unification under one constitution, one King, and one government, Cambodia is still unable to overcome both tangible and intangible consequence of the past war and tragedy. Therefore, Cambodia must protect peace at any cost because “peace is imperative for the achievement of sustainable development goals 2030”

Second, working together for tourism development which is an importance driving force of economic growth.  Overall, we must manage tourism sector appropriately to maximize the benefits and redistribute the fruit of growth equitably aimed at ensuring participation from all related parties. In this sense, I give my support to the Ministry of Tourism in producing the 2018-2030 Tourism Development Strategic Plan and the formulation of the​ ​master plan for tourism development at important tourist sites and I also welcome the strengthening of the capital/provincial tourism development committees in order to encourage the private participation because good governance at the local level is the foundation of sustainable tourism development.

Third, we must ensures the positive relation between the tourism sector and the planet earth toward greener future in 2030.  The Ministry of Tourism must continue to cooperate with related ministries/institutions, the private sector, and media to raise awareness on the benefits of sustainable tourism, the link between tourism and the conservation and protection of environment, natural resource and culture. Overall, we must promote the respect for nature and culture and raise awareness on the importance of tourism in economic development and “clean city, clean resort, good service, good hospitality” contest etc.


These recommendations will contribute to further development of tourism sector, underpin growth in other sectors and ensure socio-economic development and cultural and environment conservation.

I am confident that Cambodia as well as Phnom Penh will continue to be a great tourist destination with natural smile of the Cambodian people to live up to its name as the kingdom of wonder.


Finally, along with the celebration of “Phnom Penh: World Capital of Tourism and Culture”, and my appointment as “the Global Goodwill Ambassador for Tourism and Sustainable Development Goals 2030.”, I wish Professor Dr. Anton Caragea and all participants the four gems of Buddha’s blessings Longevity, Nobility, Healthiness and Strength.

Thank you!



El Consejo Europeo de Turismo y Comercio (ECTT) acogió el 10 de mayo de 2017 la primera Exposición Europea de Cigarros de Bruselas con el objetivo de reunir a los amantes de los cigarros europeos con los principales productores de cigarros del mundo.

La Galera 80 años coronado como Cigarro Favorito para 2017 y creada para Tabacalera Palma de República Dominicana.

A medida que Europa sale de la crisis no debemos olvidar que nuestro continente es el principal consumidor de puros en el mundo y el cigarro es parte del estilo de vida y la joie de vivre que es representativa de nuestro continente.

Así que Europa debe influir, educar y signalar  sus gustos y preferencias en la comunidad mundial de los cigarros.

En una palabra: Que tenemos una posición! (Profesor Dr. Anton Caragea-Presidente de ECTT).

TABACALERA PALMA recibe el galardon de EL PRODUCTOR DE PUROS PREFERIDOS DE 2017 de Señora Ruxandra Leonte, Directora de Exposiciones Europeas de Consejo Europeo de Turismo y Comercio (ECTT)

El momento más buscado de la reunión esta la degustación de los mejores puros del mundo considerado como representantivos por un paraíso por los aficionados de cigarros paraíso.

El ganador fue calificado unánimemente como La Galera 80 años coronado como Cigarro Favorito para 2017 y Tabacalera Palma de República Dominicana.

Los cigarros y productos de tabaco de la República Dominicana despiertan un fuerte interés por ser etiquetado como poderoso e interesante y despertar también el interés de los tour operadores interesados ​​en tallar el turismo y los programas de degustación de cigarros.

Si República Dominicana subió al podio con Tabacalera Palma y purros de La Galera como Cigarro Favorito del Mundo, los productos nicaragüenses también despertaron la atención del mundo y estan seguido de cerca por puroa cubanos y por una serie de puros de pequeños productores de México y Brasil.


La directora de Exposición Europea de Cigarros de Bruselas, la Sra. Ruxandra Leonte declaró: “Esperamos hacer de la Exposición de Cigares un evento anual representativo para productores mundiales y consumidores europeos y también apoyar un producto turístico basado en el descubrimiento de tabaco como ya lo tenemos a nivel mundial Establecidos y en funcionamiento tours enoturismo.


Felicito a los ganadores de la edición de este año de Tabacalera Palma, la productora preferida de cigarrillos del mundo, y deseo que todos degusten los puros La Galera mezclados por el talentoso y enérgico Jochy-José Arnaldo Blanco III y su equipo.

Pavel Avramoiu, delegado del cadena mundial (WTC) de hotel y de la hospitalidad también elogió la iniciativa: representando una cadena de 80 hoteles de lujo en todo el mundo, la oportunidad de reunirse en un solo lugar con los representantes más importantes de la industria del cigarro no tiene precio.

También estoy de acuerdo con la fuerte presentación de los puros de Palma y República Dominicana y espero que pronto tengamos la colección La Galera en nuestros hoteles.

Informaciones sobre TABACALERA PALMA

La aparición de Tabacalera Palma data de mediados del siglo XIX, cuando un español llamado José Manuel Blanco Lozada se traslada a la República Dominicana y se dedica al comercio de frutas tropicales y tabaco.


 José Arnaldo Blanco II estableció Tabacalera Palma en 1925 y registró su registro industrial en 1936, convirtiéndose en uno de los primeros fabricantes de cigarros en la República Dominicana. En 1960, ‘La Palma’ se había desarrollado para tener alrededor de 200 rodillos a tiempo completo generando cigarros para el mercado local.

Hoy en día, el negocio familiar es llevado a una nueva aventura por José Arnaldo Blanco III, afectuosamente conocido por todos como “Jochy”, que es el actual propietario y CEO de Tabacalera Palma.

Tabacalera Palma es una empresa vibrante con un impacto positivo para la comunidad.

No sólo contribuye con el empleo directo de muchos ciudadanos, sino que se compromete con la sociedad apoyando a organizaciones de caridad existentes como el Patronato de Bomberos, el Orfanato de Tamboril, varias organizaciones deportivas, entre otras.

La empresa emplea a más de 350 ciudadanos en el lugar, más del 70% de ellos son mujeres, empleando indirectamente más de 1.500 con todas las operaciones.

José Arnaldo Blanco III (Jochy) es el director de TABACALERA PALMA creadora de PUROS PREFERIDOS DE 2017 y el hombre que ha marcado en la carta de cigarros la Republica Dominicana.


Jochy dedica un apoyo incondicional a los pequeños e independientes productores de las comunidades donde opera Tabacalera Palma, así como una asociación en la finca de tabaco “Estancia Flor de Palma”, con el mundialmente famoso productor de cigarros Litto Gomez de La Flor Dominicana.

Aquí se producen algunos de los mejores tabacos del mundo, desde los rellenos sabrosos y los deliciosos aglutinantes hasta las envolturas exquisitas de la máxima calidad.

Desde que el Sr. Blanco asumió el cargo de CEO en Tabacalera Palma, la compañía ha desarrollado numerosas marcas privadas para algunas de las principales compañías de cigarros del mundo.

Además, Tabacalera Palma ha desarrollado y mejorado el cultivo del tabaco, cosecha, curado y técnicas de procesamiento, factores ideales que complementan el alto rendimiento de los cigarros.


Por comandas de productos, compras y más informaciones se puede entregar directamente al productor de PUROS PREFERIDOS EN 2017 –TABACALERA PALMA aquí:


On June 11, 2016, the General Assembly of the European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT), has taken under consideration the list of candidates for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION for 2016.

Scrutinizing of the candidature files was made, in the initial stages, by the European Tourism Academy team, who drafted a preliminary report disseminated among the ECTT members.


Academician Dr. Mircea Constantinescu, Director of European Tourism Academy, presented the list of candidates and the list of reports and accompanying evaluations for each of the 30 countries registered candidatures.

Academician Mircea Constantinescu stressed the need for a strict observance of Chatham House rules of discretion, and also presented the report asking for a candidate country to be disbarred, for not being able to comply with the rules and regulation of World Institution-ECTT.

The motion was adopted and the analysis of remaining 29 countries in competition for WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION continued.

ECTT Chairman –Mihai Prundianu stated for the audience the remarkable achievements of the 2015 award winner-The Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia who capped 1 million tourists supplementary and derived tourism income in the margin of 2 billion dollars. Addis Ababa became the most rapidly growing city in Africa in the number of tourists.

Ethiopia enjoyed also a large presence in the media with over 120.000 tourism related articles promoting the country as the FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION.

Ethiopia has being, surpassing all the countries in the region in terms of tourism, appreciated Academician Mircea Constantinescu.

ECTT President-Professor Dr. Anton Caragea marked also the world tourism institution determination to continue a special relation with Ethiopia that we come to know and love and who entered in our hearts forever, concluded Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.

With the acceptance of the report by Chairman Mihai Prundianu on ETHIOPIA, the debate on the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2015 was declared opened according to the decision of ECTT President-Professor Dr. Anton Caragea.


ECTT President-Professor Dr. Anton Caragea on the rostrum of WORLD BEST TOURISM DESTINATION AWARD FOR 2016

The second day (12 June 2016) of the debate for the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD FOR 2016 saw Professor Dr. Anton Caragea, President of European Council on Tourism and Trade (ECTT) presenting the main report, encompassing the decision that emerged as the victorious candidate.


He proposed the Kingdom of CAMBODIA as the winner of WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2016 and as receiver of the FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION distinction for 2016.

The report noted the reasons for awarding WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2016 PRIZE to CAMBODIA:


Temple of Preah Vihear- the heart of ancient Indochina

  • The excellent preservation of humanity landmarks such as: the Temple of Preah Vihear- the heart of ancient Indochina.

The temple outstanding history can be traced to the 9th century, when the hermitage was founded.

Today the site is particularly well-preserved and is offering to the visitors an outstanding vision of grandeur, thanks to his exceptional for the quality of its architecture, which is adapted to the natural environment and the religious function of the temple, as well as for the exceptional quality of its carved stone ornamentation.

The Siem Reap province is home to the majestically and unique Angkor Archaeological Park – the residence of the Khmers Kings from 9th to 15th century.

Today this incredible humanity legacy,  stretching over some 400, including forested area, Angkor Archaeological Park contains the magnificent remains of the different capitals of the Khmer Empire, from the 9th to the 15th century.

They include the famous Temple of Angkor Watt and Angkor Thom, the Bayon Temple with its countless sculptural decorations.

All this sites were recognized as being of world significance and registered as UNESCO World heritage monuments.

Angko Thom

Angkor Thom a temple of world significance and registered as UNESCO World heritage monument

  • The rich cultural and historical legacy of Cambodia is not limited to the previous presented list.

In order to fully grasp the natural potential of Cambodia natural parks and natural reservations we must look at the potential of these regions designated in 1993 Royal Decree on the Protection of Natural Areas.

They are encompassing 23 protected areas, which at the time covered more than 18% of the country’s total land area. The royal decree divides the areas into four distinct categories: natural parks (sometimes described as ‘national parks’), wildlife preserves, protected scenic view areas (sometimes described as ‘protected landscapes’) and multi-purpose areas.

Cambodia is also home to rarely and valuable Ramsar sites rated accordingly to RAMSAR CONVENTION of June 1999:

A stretch along the Mekong River approximately 37 km long and 14,600 hectares in Stung Treng Province

Boeng Chhmar and associated river system and floodplain, 28,000 hectares in Kampong Thom and Siem Reap provinces (part of a designated multiple use area)

Koh Kapik and associated islets, 12,000 hectares in Koh Kong province (part of a designated wildlife sanctuary).

  • Giving tourists access to outstanding and pristine nature and the opportunity to explore nature, to contribute to ecological preservation, and the opportunity to visit extraordinary places.

All these regions and national parks are a model of achieving ecological and green tourism that must be recognized throughout the world.

New prominent landmarks are to be added to UNESCO list such as: Angkor Borei and Phnom Da, the former celebrated as the ancient capital of Kingdom of Cambodia under the name of Vyadhapura and pace at the confluence of Mekong and Stun Sla Ku. This is now home to perfect archaeological treasures like sculptures and stones star-shaped called stelae.

Phnom Da is famous for his caves, the mud tower and the all sought Ashram Maha Rosei, made in long standing stone and celebrated as a model of architectural ingenuity made out of interior monk housing units blending in the exterior wall.

Udong is the former capital of Royal Cambodia in 17th century from 1740 to 1746.

Udong is now a perfect example of a sprawling royal city, but also a royal necropolis gathering the funerary temples of kings that offered to Cambodia a chance of survival in the country darkest times.

Udong is the proof of the resilience and endurance of Khmer spirit in time of peril and dangers.

The project ONE VILLAGE/ONE PRODUCT designed to promote social fair  tourism, to sustain rural production and to bring about the rebirth of traditional craftsmanship created and promoted by H.E. Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN SEN, Prime Minister of Cambodia , is a perfect way of sharing revenue, growing income and supporting marginal and rural communities development.

The way in which social-tourism has become the base for local economic development, for empowerment of remote community and supporting educational and vocational projects benefiting the communities, makes social-fair tourism, the lesson that today-the KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA is offering to the world.


The Bayon Temple with its countless sculptural decorations had brought Cambodia on the list of WORLD BEST TOURISM DESTINATIONS

  • The ongoing development and protection of cultural, religious and historical shrines of the Kingdom of Cambodia, the transformation of Angkor Region into a historical and spiritual center, offering to the visitors a glimpse into rich culture and heritage of people’s of Cambodia.

Angkor must be the world center of religious pilgrimage and cultural tourism offering to world tourists the complex healing experience of cultural legacy, religious special atmosphere and faith imbued air.

  • The preservation of outstanding historical and cultural heritage in the form of the former capital of the Kingdom of Cambodia, the Angkor cultural complex, an ample palatial complex from the 9th Century, offering an incredible sense of magnificence of one of the Asia greatest empire.

  • Today, Cambodia offers tourists bound for the country a rich and perfect open air collection with a rare presence of historical and archaeological treasures that educate and enrich the world.

  • The KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA is also a perfect center for river cruises and adventure tourism, offering large areas suitable for this special kind of tourism, and the necessary infrastructure to welcome the adventure seeker, its safety and peace, makes the country, one of the world’s top adventure river destinations that make the KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA as a perfect cultural class destination.


Cambodia is now proclaimed WORLD BEST TOURISM DESTINATION! Ambassadors are surrounding the European Council on Tourism and Trade leadership. 

Mr. Pavel Avramoiu, Director for Hotel Management and Evaluation at European Council on Tourism and Trade, outlined the impressive potential for development that Kingdom of Cambodia is presenting.

Cambodia, now proclaimed WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION, must transform this perfect opportunity and universal limelight in a base for attracting investors in the field of hotels and hospitality to cater for the millions that will find their ways to the KINGDOM OF WONDERS and LAND OF MAGIC!

This is an incredible occasion for all ASEAN regions, an opportunity to place regions cultural and historical patrimony at the fore and to make Cambodia the center for medium and long-term trips that will bring travelers to the magic of Indochina.

With open sky`s policies enacted by Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN SEN, Prime Minister of Kingdom of Cambodia, the country has become the center of ASEAN future development, concluded his speech World Tourism Institution Director Pavel Avramoiu.

It is appropriate for Europe to express its commitment to, and appreciation for Asia by crowning CAMBODIA as THE FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION AND WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION FOR 2016 stated the ECTT Director Ioan Matei.

Senator Agrigoroaei la sedinta Parlamentului

Senator Ionel Agrigoroaiei, Director of European Parliamentary Committee in the European Council on Tourism and Trade

Senator Ionel Agrigoroaiei, Director of European Parliamentary Committee in the European Council on Tourism and Trade and Senator of Romanian Parliament stated the opinion of all present at ECTT conference and declared that the KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA is the unique candidate that is offering a perfect blend of cultural record, large historical patrimony and is offering a magisterial lesson to the world: the lesson of creativity and resilience of SROK KHMER-the land of Khmers.

With an outstanding record of promoting social-fair tourism, ecological and poverty reduction strategy based on tourism Cambodia deserves a unanimous vote, appreciated the Senator I. Agrigoroaei.

Taking the floor, President Dr. Anton Caragea asked for a final vote and European Council on Tourism and Trade Assembly unanimously, agreed to bestow the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION STATUS FOR 2016 TO KINGDOM OF CAMBODIA and to declare CAMBODIA- THE FAVORITE CULTURAL DESTINATION in 2016.

The meeting was also presented with the Official Letter, from the Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN SEN, Prime Minister of Kingdom of Cambodia.

The world gathering (including ECTT members and accredited ambassadors and diplomats) was presented  with a warm salute and invitation from acting Minister of Tourism Mr. Chea Bora, for a mission of high ranking officials of the European Council on Tourism and Trade, to present the WORLD BEST TOURIST DESTINATION AWARD in Phnom Penh, in person, to His Excellency Samdech Akka Moha Sena Padei Techo HUN SEN, Prime Minister of Kingdom of Cambodia, European Academician and outstanding personality in world tourism, today.


The final note of ECTT 2016 Assembly was stroke by Professor Anton Caragea, President of the European Council on Tourism and Trade who emphasize the importance of the moment: the most important WORLD TOURISM PRIZE was entrusted to peoples of CAMBODIA.

CAMBODIA has arisen from ashes of nefarious time and is today a perfect destination crowned in the diamonds of Mekong, endowed with the beauties of Siem Reap and Battambang and made immortal by the works of Gods and Kings at Angkor.

Leading by example, is always the motto of European Council and Tourism and Trade and the acceptance of the invitation for a familiarization visit of high ranking members of European Council on Tourism and Trade to CAMBODIA is a proof of this enduring truth. CAMBODIA is a perfectly safe and outstanding destination that will forever mark your heart!

Today all world tourism experts expressed their confidence in the potential and future of tourism in CAMBODIA, let`s follow their example and discover THE WORLD BEST TOURISM DESTINATION in 2016- concluded Professor Anton Caragea, President of the European Council on Tourism and Trade.